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14th August 2024 Version.


These are the Terms and Conditions under which you book and travel with any THE GOLF TOURIST Limited product. You are bound by these ‘Terms and Conditions’ so it is important that you read them carefully. Each passenger will be deemed to have entered into a contract on these Terms and Conditions with THE GOLF TOURIST Limited (hereinafter this being referred to as ‘TGT’ or ‘The Company'). The person signing the declaration warrants that he or she has the authority to bind each Passenger to the Terms and Conditions and indemnifies TGT against any loss or damage arising from a breach of that warranty. The Terms and Conditions constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all and any prior agreement, arrangement, representation or understanding in respect of the Transportation or any other matter. Please use 1 form per passenger.


Tour itineraries and prices in brochures are accurate at the time of preparation and prices are based on current exchange rates. Once a customer has paid the deposit, the price of the tour is guaranteed, subject to any increase in tax changes or levies imposed by any government or their agencies. Current prices are subject to change without notice. Departure dates of tours are subject to change. TGT reserves the right to make alterations to itineraries, departure dates and prices due to circumstances beyond its control. Price stated in NZD New Zealand Dollars (and/or Australia/US Dollars AUD+USD) and are current at the time of publication. The most up to date pricing is shown on our website. Please see further comments on any credit card payment that are raised in NZD. The golfing tour price includes accommodation, land transportation, course fees, carts and caddies as available, meals as advertised and any other inclusions as per the published itinerary. International & domestic airfares are NOT included unless same specifically noted.

TGT reserves the right to release special terms which are applicable to new bookings only. TGT also reserves the right to correct any obvious errors in rates quoted or calculated, or any omissions made at any time during your booking. Any costs associated with passports, vaccinations, insurance, meals (other than those stipulated), emergency evacuation costs, gratuities, and all items of a personal nature are not included in the tour fare.

If you have any special requests, you must inform us prior to booking. While we will endeavour to pass any reasonable requests on to the relevant supplier, we cannot guarantee any request will or can be met. TGT is committed to deal with complaints efficiently. This must be in writing to TGT in Auckland, within 20 days of the completion of your tour. 



If a passenger books through a travel agent, tour operator or other intermediary (as Agent), the Agent shall then be deemed to be the agent of the Passenger notwithstanding that the Company may pay the Agent a commission or fee. The Passenger authorises the Company to pay any refund under this Passage Contract to the Agent. At no time shall the Agent act as or be deemed to be the Company’s agent and the Company shall have no liability for the Agent’s acts or omissions.



When you have decided on your trip we require a 25% non-refundable deposit to secure your booking. The deposit must be accompanied by a completed and duly signed Passenger Form and is due within seven (7) days of making your booking. If payments are not received within this time then your bookings will be cancelled. TGT must receive the final 75% balance payment in accordance with the tour fare you have purchased, no later than 90 days before the tour departure date. Please note that failure to make the due payment in respect of bookings or instalments shall entitle TGT to cancel a booking and any cancellation fees will apply. Payments made by credit card are subject to a 2.9% processing fee. Furthermore, amounts paid by credit card may be converted to NZD at the exchange on the transfer day.



TGT strongly recommend that ALL passengers arrange an appropriate and comprehensive travel insurance to cover such things, but not limited to, medical, liability, loss of deposits and fares, luggage and effects, personal accident, cancellation of departure, medical and emergency, evacuation and repatriation, flight and hotel cancellation. TGT strongly suggest that your travel insurance policy is of high quality and issued at your country of origin. We also strongly suggest that this travel insurance is arranged at the time of you making your tour bookings.



Although we love to have you with us, we do understand that plans can sometimes change. The following cancellation fees will apply to any bookings that you cancel. The day notice is received in writing by TGT will determine the applicable refund.

91 days or more prior to departure - loss of 25% deposit 
90 days or less prior to departure – loss of 100% of fares



Your fare is determined by the package and once you are booked this fare will not change. Sometimes we release promotional fares. These promotional fares can be withdrawn at any time. If after booking you decide to change to a promotional fare, you must cancel the existing booking and note 'cancellation fees' may apply.



A separate completed and signed Passenger Form must be submitted with your deposit. A copy of your current passport personal details page must be received with your Passenger Form. Usually, a passport requires 6 months validity from the tour completion date. Please also see section 20 regarding possible travel visas.



Notwithstanding any other provision in this Terms and Conditions Contract, TGT shall not in any circumstances be liable for any death, personal injury, loss of or damage to property, delay or any direct, indirect, consequential or economic loss, injury or damage of any nature or any inability to perform the Tour and/or Transportation or any part of it arising or resulting from strikes, labour disputes or difficulties or shortages (whether or not the Company be a party thereto) explosion, fire, collision, breakdown or failure of or damage to the vehicle, civil or other war, commotion, quarantine, riot, insurrection, restraint or intervention of princes, rulers, people or governments, political disturbance, acts or threats of terrorism, inability to secure or failure of fuel or any other supplies, Acts of God, negligence, a force majeure e

vent, or any other circumstance (whether or not of like nature to the foregoing matters) beyond TGT control.



TGT reserves to itself the absolute right for any reason whatsoever to substitute any other transport for the nominated transport or omit or change any scheduled call at any intermediate place, omit or change the scheduled place of departure/completion, to deviate from the ordinary or scheduled route in any direction for any distance, to delay or to terminate the transportation, or to put back or to put into any place, and to transfer the Passenger and the Passenger’s baggage to any other transport or to any other means of transportation whether belonging to the Company or not, whether or not bound for the scheduled place of destination, even though resulting in delay, without previous notice to the Passenger and the Passenger shall have no right to refund and the Company shall have no obligation or liability in respect thereof to the Passenger.



We will do our very best to make sure everything goes according to plan. However, sometimes changes can happen that may affect your tour. This could include weather, mechanical difficulties, transport, civil unrest or any other unforeseen circumstances. We, or our agents/service arrangers, may need to remove the transport/tour from service where this becomes necessary due to operational/commercial reasons. We will notify you of a change as soon as we can. 


TGT reserves the right to cancel or vary a tour prior to departure due to insufficient passenger numbers. We will advise you not less than 60 days prior to your tour commencement if minimum numbers have not been achieved. 


If we cancel a tour or make a significant change to the places in your itinerary prior to departure, you will have the choice of the following.

a. Continue the tour with the amended or revised itinerary; 
b. Transfer all fare monies paid towards an alternative tour; 
c. Cancel the tour to receive full refund of your fares paid.

If during a tour we are required to change the itinerary or cancel the tour due to safety, laws, severe weather or to protect human life or health, we are not required to provide any compensation unless consumer laws allow otherwise.



The Passenger shall pay the charges for any services and excursions (over and above those already provided in the itinerary) at the rates prevailing at the time of travelling. The Passenger agrees that the Company shall have no liability of any nature for physical injury or emotional distress or injury, death or damage to person or property as a result of any act, omission or negligence of any of these contractors/third party or any other person providing to the Passenger any of the personal services and the Passenger hereby releases and discharges the Company from any liability for any such physical injury or emotional distress or injury, death or damage to property.



(A) Liability, if any, for loss or damage to baggage occurring elsewhere than on the tour in conjunction with air, car, train, motor coach, ground transfers, porters and/or hotels shall rest solely with the person or entity providing such services and the Passenger agrees that the Company does not guarantee the performance of such services and shall not be liable in any respect for any such loss or damages.
(B) The Passenger must not carry as baggage, or bring with them any weapons, explosives or inflammables, illegal drugs or any dangerous or harmful articles.
(C) Animals of any kind cannot be brought on tour.

(D) All baggage must be securely packed and labelled with passengers’ full name, tour, date of departure, and if the Passenger fails to do so, the Company shall not be liable for loss, damage or delay in delivery of the baggage. Due to limited storage space, we recommend soft baggage suitcases be used by passengers with maximum 20kg suggested per person. A soft overnight bag also be included. A fully enclosed golf bag carrier, labelled as above, with wheels is recommended. (E) Photographs and videos may be taken by other passengers or crew or persons engaged by the Company with yourself included in same and these photos and videos may be used in our future promotional material by the company.

(F) Hotel/course descriptions featured on our tours and website are based on current guidelines provided by hotels/courses. Any facilities described are subject to change at any time. We reserve the right to substitute hotels/courses and other accommodation with property of a comparable or higher standard as/if required.



Passenger names must be provided exactly as per passport, including any middle names, at the time of booking. A copy of your passport personal page is required at the time of booking. Any spelling corrections made after a deposit is paid must be sent in writing. If you do not advise the correct information and we have to re-issue bookings or tickets or other documentation, then you will be responsible for any fees charged in addition to our own administration fees. Tour Documents will be courier delivered to you at least 21 days prior to the departure date. Failure to send a Passenger Form or passport details will delay documentation. The tour documents will include the tour itinerary, tour information, embarkation and disembarkation details. All tour itineraries are subject to the local weather and general conditions and may be required to be changed without much prior notice.


We collect your personal information as we process your booking. We will also keep you up to date with other TGT offers and product information that may be of interest to you if you have consented to this. You can opt out of receiving further information at any time. 

Personal information you provide will be managed in accordance with TGT privacy policy that can be seen at Your personal data might also be required by our service providers in Japan in performing their Japan tasks.



Single fares are available on most tours. A twin/double room can be made available for solo use by travellers with a single occupancy surcharge of up to 1.3 times the published twin/double per person fare, as/if available. Fares on request.



Non-golfers are welcome to join golfers on TGT tours. The non-golfer will either stay in the same hotel room on a twin/double basis or will pay the additional solo charge. They do partake in advertised tours and activities, except for golf. On scheduled golf days we suggest local tourist activities to be arranged on that day.



Included in your tour fare are hotel accommodations, golf course fees/lunches and course services as booked, golf carts and/or caddies as appropriate, tours, transport and trains, advertised meals and beverages, scheduled or advertised excursions, transfers, mentioned rail/airport transfers, government fees and taxes.



Tour fares do NOT include items of a personal nature or international airfares unless specifically included. Any type of travel insurance (including but not limited to medical, liability, loss of deposits, luggage, personal accident), optional or extra tour excursions, excess baggage, cleaning charges, additional drinks and non-included meals/drinks, additional cost, any extra hotel charges or any phone costs.



All tour prices are quoted in AUSTRALIAN,USA or NEW ZEALAND Dollars. On tour we accept Visa and MasterCard or you may use cash. There are often limited cash withdrawal facilities and we are unable to accept personal cheques. A 2.7% credit card fee may be applied on credit card transactions and may be charged in NZD.



Gratuities are not expected, however if you wish to acknowledge exceptional service you are welcome to do so entirely at your discretion.



Regulations can vary from country to country and by nationality and are subject to change at short notice. If you are in transit or staying in the country of embarkation or disembarkation before or after your tour, different visa rules may apply. We recommend that you check well before departure. Please note that if you do not hold a valid passport or visa (as regulations may require) for the countries you are visiting, you may be refused permission to land, or in extreme circumstances, to travel from your home country. It is the sole responsibility of each passenger to comply with all/any visa and passport regulations.



TGT is a scenic and golf tour company. In any sports activity there is an element of risk involved. The nature of tours offered means that passengers may encounter some physical discomfort and even danger. This being the case, it is expected that every passenger understands and appreciates the risks involved and is prepared to accept those risks as part of the spirit of golf and scenic tours. TGT undertakes to deliver services with all due care however it is intended that passengers accept ultimate responsibility for any damage to or loss of personal property, illness, injury or even death. Any medical condition, advanced pregnancy or disability must be advised to TGT within the Passenger Form, without fail. 


Guests should be sure to bring sufficient supply of prescription medications they may require. Additionally, TGT will use its best endeavours to deliver scheduled services at indicated times, does not accept liability for any losses, costs or expenses suffered as a result of any delay in the delivery of services. Further, TGT does not accept any liability for any losses, costs or expenses arising, whether directly or indirectly, from its own negligence, force majeure, industrial dispute, mechanical failure, civil unrest, natural disaster, quarantine, operational safety of the tour or extreme weather conditions.


All customers are required to familiarise themselves with any health requirements specific to the country being visited. Any pre-existing dietary requirement/food allergy; disability; medical, health, physical, psychological, or behavioural condition (health conditions) should be discussed with your doctor or specialist who can confirm your suitability to travel or not on your tour. Details of your medical/health/diet etc conditions might be passed to our local service providers.



Access to transport may be via steps, entrances to the transport may have raised coamings and accommodations may have a step from bathroom to bedroom to balcony. Some tour activities are challenging. If you do require regular assistance or care or are a wheelchair user, then an able-bodied companion must accompany you. If the tour conductor believes that it is beyond the guest’s capabilities, or it might affect the enjoyment or safety of fellow guests, and/or compromise the health and safety of passengers/crew/guides, then transport may be denied.



If any guest(s) seriously affect the safety, the well-being or the enjoyment of themselves or any other person on tour, the tour conductor has the right to refuse or remove the guest from the tour. In such cases, we are not responsible for any expenses including your return home. In addition, you will not be entitled to any refund. While the tour conductor will act reasonably in these circumstances, you accept the safety, well-being and enjoyment of everyone on tour comes first.



If you are required, or choose, to leave the tour for any reason (unless caused by our failure to provide services with due care and skill), we are not responsible for any expenses, including your return home or refunds. This also applies if you do not return to the tour or hotel after a place visit in time for our next departure. If we assist you with any costs, you are required to refund the company on your return.


25. RISK
Passengers acknowledge that they engage in this tour and ancillary activities at their own risk. Subject to any statutory warranties (which, as far as is possible at law are expressly excluded) passengers acknowledge that TGT and its employees and agents/service providers shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage caused to themselves or their property while they are on the tour, however that is caused, including the company’s negligence. Passengers submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand Law Courts in respect of any matter arising from these Terms and Conditions. In signing this document, I/we acknowledge that I/we have read and fully understood all of the above terms and conditions.


Even though you may have advised us that you have an allergy to certain foods and drinks, we wish to advise you that due to some of the methods in which foods are cooked and/or prepared on this tour, we cannot guarantee that traces of the food/ingredient you are allergic to are not present in the meals you will be served. Clearly if this presents medical issues for yourself, then you need to be aware of this and make informed decisions on whether to travel or not. TGT cannot accept responsibility for any outcome resulting from any food or drink eaten/consumed on any tour. By your eating or drinking the food or drink served on an inclusive TGT tour you do fully accept this is entirely at your own risk and hold TGT harmless.


Terms/conditions contained in this agreement are governed by New Zealand Law.

Accept Terms and Conditions

A confirmation email will be sent on receiving your submission.

We look forward to taking you on your journey!

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